SB310,6,2217 115.52 (5) The department state superintendent may grant approval for the
18maintenance of a summer school at the school for the deaf whenever it will be to the
19advantage of deaf persons and may grant approval for the maintenance of a summer
20school at the school for the visually handicapped whenever it will be to the advantage
21of visually handicapped minors. There shall be a summer school each year at the
22school for the visually handicapped
for visually handicapped adults.
SB310, s. 21 23Section 21. 115.52 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,7,224 115.52 (6) The department may make charges for meals, living quarters,
25laundry and other services furnished to employes of the schools school and their

1families. The department also may make charges for services furnished to visitors
2at the schools school and participants in training programs and institutes.
SB310, s. 22 3Section 22. 115.52 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,7,84 115.52 (7) The Wisconsin school for the deaf may provide instruction for
5preschool deaf children and their parents. The Wisconsin school for the visually
6handicapped may provide instruction for preschool visually handicapped children
7and their parents.
Such instruction or treatment shall be subject to the approval of,
8and shall comply with requirements established by, the department.
SB310, s. 23 9Section 23. 115.53 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,7,1610 115.53 (2) Arrange for vocational, trade or academic training for any pupil in
11either state the school qualified to take such training advantageously, in either a
12public school or technical college or a private business establishment in Janesville
Delavan. The public school and the technical college shall be paid the regular
14tuition for full-time attendance and proportionally for part-time attendance by the
15school district responsible for the pupil's placement in an appropriate program under
16s. 115.85 (1).
SB310, s. 24 17Section 24. 115.53 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,7,2018 115.53 (3) Arrange for otological or ophthalmic examination of any pupil or
19prospective pupil of the schools school. The examination shall be paid for from the
20appropriation in s. 20.255 (1) (b).
SB310, s. 25 21Section 25. 115.53 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,7,2422 115.53 (4) Apply to the board of directors of the University of Wisconsin
23Hospitals and Clinics Authority for admission to the University of Wisconsin
24Hospitals and Clinics of any pupil in the state schools school.
1(a) The application shall be accompanied by the report of a physician appointed
2by the appropriate school superintendent and shall be in the same form as reports
3of other physicians for admission of patients to such hospital.
SB310,8,114 (b) The net cost of hospital treatment shall be at the rate established under s.
5233.40 (1) and shall be chargeable to the appropriation for operating the patient's
6school. The department state superintendent likewise may authorize payment for
7the expense of transporting patients to and from the hospital. The department state
shall make payments for the treatment to the University of
9Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority. Funds collected by the department state
on account of the hospitalization shall be deposited in the
11appropriation under s. 20.255 (1) (b) for the school concerned.
SB310, s. 26 12Section 26. 115.53 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,8,1613 115.53 (5) Arrange for visits by members of the staff of either the school to other
14public schools or to families of blind or deaf children, whenever it appears to the
15department state superintendent that such visits will be of advantage to blind or deaf
SB310, s. 27 17Section 27. 115.53 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,8,2118 115.53 (6) Charge the school district responsible for a pupil's placement in a
19the school under this subchapter for the costs of transporting the pupil to and from
20the pupil's home on weekends. All fees received under this subsection shall be
21deposited in the appropriation under s. 20.255 (1) (gt).
SB310, s. 28 22Section 28. 115.54 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,9,6 23115.54 Compulsory education. If it appears, by affidavit, to any circuit
24judge that any blind or deaf child between the ages of 6 and 21 is deprived of a
25suitable education by the failure of the person having the care and custody of the

1child to provide a suitable education, the judge shall order the person to bring the
2child before the judge. If the material allegations of the affidavit are denied, the
3judge shall subpoena witnesses and hear testimony. If the allegations are admitted
4or established, the judge may, if appropriate, order the child sent to the school for the
5visually handicapped or for the deaf or to some class or other school for instruction,
6but the order shall not make a direct charge for the class or school against any county.
SB310, s. 29 7Section 29. 115.55 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,9,15 8115.55 Library for the blind and visually handicapped. Embossed, clear
9type or large type text books acquired by the school for the visually handicapped
10department shall constitute a circulating collection for the blind and visually
11handicapped. The collection shall be kept at the school and be under the supervision
12of its superintendent the department. All blind and visually handicapped school age
13children of the state may use such books upon compliance with rules made by the
14superintendent and approved by the department
with the approval of the
SB310, s. 30 16Section 30. 115.58 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,9,24 17115.58 (title) Park grounds of the former state school for the visually
. The department state superintendent may, with the approval of the
19department of administration,
permit the city of Janesville to use portions of the
20grounds of the former state school for the visually handicapped at Janesville, which
21abut on the Rock river, for purposes of operating a city park. Any construction on
22such grounds is subject to prior approval by the department state superintendent.
23Any agreement pursuant hereto shall be cancelable at the option of either party
24without liability. Any such grounds so used by the city of Janesville shall be

1supervised by the city and shall be subject to the ordinances of the city of Janesville
2applicable to city parks.
SB310, s. 31 3Section 31. 115.77 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,10,64 115.77 (3) (a) Services for children with exceptional educational needs who are
5under the jurisdiction of the department state superintendent and for the Wisconsin
6school for the deaf and the Wisconsin school for the visually handicapped.
SB310, s. 32 7Section 32. 115.88 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,10,228 115.88 (2) Transportation aid. If upon receipt of the report under s. 115.84 the
9department state superintendent is satisfied that the transportation of children with
10exceptional educational needs has been maintained during the preceding year in
11accordance with the law, the department state superintendent shall certify to the
12department of administration in favor of each county, cooperative educational
13service agency or school district transporting such pupils 63% of the amount
14expended for such transportation. Pupils for whom aid is paid under this subsection
15shall not be eligible for aid under s. 121.58 (2) or (4). The department of
16administration shall pay such amounts to the county, agency or school district from
17the appropriations appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (b) and (u). This subsection
18applies to any child with exceptional educational needs who requires special
19assistance in transportation, including any such child attending regular classes who
20requires special or additional transportation. This subsection does not apply to any
21child with exceptional educational needs attending regular or special classes who
22does not require any special or additional transportation.
SB310, s. 33 23Section 33. 115.88 (8m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB310,11,624 115.88 (8m) Aid for creating and improving programs and services for
25children with visual disabilities.
The full cost of salaries, fringe benefits and other

1approved costs attributable to providing new and expanded educational and related
2programs and services for children with visual disabilities shall be paid from the
3appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (bj). If the program or service is eligible for aid
4under subs. (1) to (6) or (8) and under this subsection, the department shall consider
5it eligible for aid only under this subsection. This subsection does not apply after
6June 30, 2004.
SB310, s. 34 7Section 34. 115.882 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,11,17 8115.882 Proration of state aid. If In the 1999-2000 to 2003-04 fiscal years,
the sum of the appropriations under s. 20.255 (2) (b) and (u) (bj) in any one fiscal
10year is insufficient to pay the full amount of aid under ss. 115.88 and 118.255, state
11aid payments
the funds shall be used first for the purpose of s. 115.88 (8m) and any
12remaining funds
shall be prorated among the counties, school districts and
13cooperative educational service agencies entitled thereto. In the 2004-05 fiscal year
14and thereafter, if the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (b) in any fiscal year is
15insufficient to pay the full amount of aid under ss. 115.88 and 118.255, state aid
16payments shall be prorated among the counties, school districts and cooperative
17education service agencies entitled thereto.
SB310, s. 35 18Section 35. 115.93 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,11,2419 115.93 (2) If Subject to s. 115.882, if the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (b)
20in any year the 1999-2000 to 2003-04 fiscal years is insufficient to pay the full
21amount of aid under sub. (1), state aid payments shall be prorated among the entitled
22school districts. In the 2004-05 fiscal year and thereafter, if the appropriation under
23s. 20.255 (2) (b) in any fiscal year is insufficient to pay the full amount of aid under
24sub. (1), state aid payments shall be prorated among the entitled school districts.
SB310, s. 36 25Section 36. 121.05 (1) (a) 8. of the statutes is amended to read:
1121.05 (1) (a) 8. Pupils enrolled in a the residential school operated by the state
2under subch. III of ch. 115 for whom the school district is paying tuition under s.
3115.53 (2) determined by multiplying the total number of periods in each day in
4which the pupils are enrolled in the local public school by the total number of days
5for which the pupils are enrolled in the local public school and dividing the product
6by 1,080.
SB310, s. 37 7Section 37. 121.54 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,12,178 121.54 (3) Transportation for children with exceptional educational needs.
9Every school board shall provide transportation for children with exceptional
10educational needs, as defined in s. 115.76 (3), to any public or private elementary or
11high school, to the Wisconsin school for the visually handicapped or the Wisconsin
12school for the deaf or to any special educational program for children with
13exceptional educational needs sponsored by a state tax-supported institution of
14higher education, regardless of distance, if the request for such transportation is
15approved by the department state superintendent. Approval shall be based on
16whether or not the child can walk to school with safety and comfort. Section 121.53
17shall apply to transportation provided under this subsection.
SB310, s. 38 18Section 38. 940.295 (1) (q) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,12,2019 940.295 (1) (q) "State school for the visually handicapped or hearing impaired"
20means any schools the school described in s. 115.52 (2).
SB310, s. 39 21Section 39. 940.295 (2) (j) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB310,12,2322 940.295 (2) (j) A The state school for the visually handicapped or hearing
SB310, s. 40 24Section 40 . Nonstatutory provisions.
1(1) Not later than August 1, 1998, the department of administration shall
2determine the amount appropriated in the 1998-99 fiscal year under section 20.255
3(1) (b) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 1997, that will be saved by the closing
4of the Wisconsin School for the Visually Handicapped. The department of public
5instruction shall ensure that the amount determined by the department of
6administration under this subsection lapses to the general fund.
SB310, s. 41 7Section 41. Initial applicability.
SB310,13,108 (1) The treatment of sections 20.255 (2) (bj), 115.88 (8m), 115.882 and 115.93
9(2) of the statutes first applies to the payment of special education aid in the
101999-2000 school year.
SB310, s. 42 11Section 42. Effective dates. This act takes effect on July 1, 1998, except as
SB310,13,1413 (1) The treatment of sections 20.255 (2) (bj), 115.882 and 115.93 (2) of the
14statutes takes effect on July 1, 1999.
SB310,13,1515 (End)